Category: NZ Housing

Total 173 Posts

Your Legacy: Building Generational Wealth on the NZX and Beyond

What’s the secret to creating lasting wealth? Well, it’s all about diversification. Here’s what the richest 10% know that most people don’t.

Kiwi No. 8 in Crisis: The Few Things That Can Make All the Difference

New Zealand used to be a rugged, can-do nation. But lately, we seem to have lost our way. What can we do to regain our courage and sense of purpose?

Kiwi Property vs Kiwi Shares: Who Wins the Race?

Investing in real estate has been a Kiwi obsession for years. But the economic cycle is changing. Could the stock market offer a credible alternative?

How to Thrive in NZ’s Broken Economy

Here’s the bad news: New Zealand’s middle class is shrinking before our eyes. But here’s the good news: there’s still a way to save our prosperity.

Affordable Housing: Will National’s New Policy Work?

Housing is arguably the most contentious issue in New Zealand today. So, will National’s new move finally cut through the ideological gridlock?

Housing Hell: What New Zealand Needs to Do

There’s no hiding it: our Kiwi housing situation is a mess. It’s clear that we need urgent reform now. The stakes have never been higher.

Bank Crisis: A Turning Point?

We usually trust in our banks. But what happens when we experience a fear event? Here’s why a crisis of confidence can provide a hidden opportunity.

Disaster’s Gift: Oversold Real Estate Opportunity

Are you hungry for cheap assets? Well, crisis can be a great discounting tool. Here’s why we’re seeing a huge property opening right now.

Listen to Dr Oliver Hartwich Now

How can we fix our country? Dr Oliver Hartwich has some answers. He examines our nation’s chronic problems and offers urgent solutions.

Rishi Sunak: How He Made $3.5m in 2022

There’s no hiding it: the British prime minister is young and wealthy. But look beyond the politics of envy. Here’s what smart investors can learn from him.

Our Doomsday Glacier: It’s Not What You Think

Forget climate change. Our biggest existential threat is close at hand, and it’s tied to our demographic crisis. Is it too late to stop it?

Economic Warning: Standing Up for New Zealand

Is economic opportunity vanishing from New Zealand? That’s a terrifying thought. Here’s why we need to rethink the trajectory of our nation.

‘New Zealand Property Always Goes Up’

Kiwis have been overly dependent on property investing for too long. Now the bubble is finally popping. Here’s what it’s really costing us, in real-time.

[Special 1-Night Event] NZ’s Failing Economy With Dr Oliver Hartwich

How can we fix our country? Join us for an exclusive evening with Dr Oliver Hartwich. He will examine our nation’s chronic problems and offer urgent solutions.

Cyclone Alert: Why Resilient Investing Matters

Gabrielle has smacked us hard, and the impact has been devastating. As we wrestle with shaken nerves, here are the critical lessons that we need to embrace.