Tag: Interest Rates

Total 110 Posts

The Urgent Hunt for Yield That’s Boosting Kiwi Stocks

One of the reasons shares and property have boomed is due to the new approach in monetary policy since the global financial crisis of 2008. The approach penalises savers in the bank but rewards the owners of physical and financial assets.

A Message from the Future: Thanks a Lot…You Jerks

You ran up $22 trillion in debt by 2019. Who did you think was going to pay that? Not you. Donald Trump was already 72. And the average baby boomer was in his 60s, getting ready for retirement.

Conversations with a Ghost

You’ve got a debt of $22 trillion that you can’t possibly pay. I see you’re spending 38% of GDP, but you’re only collecting about 17% of GDP in taxes.

Hang on Tight: Our Economy Heading for a Plunge in 2019

Well, if you weren’t sure about it…you can be now. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has confirmed our suspicions…this economy’s in for a bumpy ride.

How the Feds Sedated American Capitalism

Total satisfaction equals the real value of win-win deals minus win-lose deals.Our formula recognises that money isn’t everything. So, it focuses on satisfaction, rather than GDP or raw wealth.

Trump Has Found His ‘Stimulus Guy’

The idea of putting Mr Moore in at the Fed is to make sure the economy stays in line. The Fed today is by, for, and of the Deep State.

A Bomb Cyclone Is Headed for Stocks

Last week, we were looking at who pays unpayable federal debt. As we studied the subject, a whirlwind of staggering news blew up.

At Least in the Country, They Survive…

This week, we’ve been exploring the age-old question: Who pays unpayable debt? The borrower?The lender? Someone else?

All Aboard the DebtBall Express

And now, the runaway train gathers speed. The federal deficit was $587 billion in Obama’s last year. Mr. Trump’s budget increases it to $1 trillion.

Firebombs in Paris

Taxes, tariffs, regulations – they’re all ways to transfer wealth and power from the common man to the elite who control the government.

Is THIS a Home Run Investment for Amazon?

The only reason the YES Network is up for sale is because Disney needs to cut the fat. Too bad. It was Disney’s most valuable regional sports channel. And now it might go for pittance.

Capitalism Didn’t Fail America. We Failed Capitalism

Some say capitalism has failed America. More likely, America has failed capitalism. Capitalism needs capital. Real money, in other words. The feds gave it fake money.

AOC’s ‘Solutions’ Will Just Make Things Worse

In a free (capitalist) system, some people will always work harder, get luckier, invest their time and money more wisely, and get richer.

How the Feds Socialised American Capitalism

Already, America’s medical system — 17% of the economy — is largely socialised. So is the education system — another 7.3%. And don’t forget Social Security.

The Donald Is More Powerful than Interest Rates

Right now, two things are making Trump upset. Higher interest rates and a strong dollar. Both of which are conveniently out of his control.