Tag: Federal Reserve

Total 22 Posts

Global Authorities Aren’t Waiting for a Crisis to Move Toward More Debt

Warren Buffett says you can never go right by betting against a US business. But so far this century, that bet has been a winner.

The Rich Will Be Scapegoats for the Next Financial Crisis

In 2007, total US debt, public and private, was under $50 trillion. Today, it’s over $73 trillion.

Soviet Catastrophe Paints Grim Picture of America’s Future

There was a time, believe it or not, when economists wouldn’t presume to tell us what interest rates should be. They were ‘moral philosophers’ who merely observed and tried to understand.

Monetary Policy Won’t Solve the Next Financial Crisis

The economy is limping…staggering…and buckling. And you know what that means — cheaper credit…and more money for speculators!

Does Dow History Tell Us We’ve Already Seen America’s Peak?

Markets, economies, and even empires move in great, long-term swings. Sometimes they are forward-looking and expansive. Look at the american stock market.

Who Will Push America Over This Cliff?

Rates have been negative for nearly the last 10 years; federal debt more than doubled, while real growth rates fell.

Why Fairy Tales are Better than YouTube

In 2014, I adapted the story There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, to describe the absurdity of the Fed’s actions in handling crises of their making.