Tag: American economy

Total 24 Posts

Trump Will Claim Victory

This is the big day. The music starts. The lights go on. And the curtain rises. Trump meets with China’s leader and decide the fate of the world economy.

Trump’s War on General Motors

The stock market continued with a modest bounce yesterday…but America’s automotive giant, General Motors, sank into the mud. The proximate cause was a tweet by President T, who threatened to remove federal subsidies to GM’s electric cars. This from Bloomberg:

The Best Stock Investors: Dead People

Stocks are greatly overrated. You could have bought the whole Dow in 1928 for 10 ounces of gold. Then use those same 10 ounces to buy the Dow again in 2013.

Investors Are Going to Get Scalped

The US dollar is fake money. And the Fed lends it out at fake rates. This is why corporate, consumer, and government debt is so high.

How Will the Feds Get Out of This?

The US economy and the US government are both living on borrowed time. Blame it on tax cuts, rampant spending and rising inflation.

This Will Be Trump’s Real Legacy

The Republican Party used to be about small government and balanced budgets. But now, under Trump, it’s embraced disastrous debt and inflation.

Why Government Can’t Make America Great

The American founding fathers were sceptical of democracy. It was about giving power to the mob. Recent events have just proven that to be true.

America’s Finances Seem Fishy

Argentina is a banana republic with a high deficit and a currency crisis. America needs to be cautious if it wants to avoid the same fate.

This is How to Get Cheaper Healthcare Costs

  Healthcare is expensive, especially in the US. As you can see in the chart below, the US spends, on average, about double per person compared to other developed countries.   Source: Health System Tracker [Click to enlarge]   Healthcare