Category: Gold and Currencies

Total 49 Posts

What the Forex Guys Know About Brexit That the Rest of Us Don’t

Amongst my finance colleagues, I was one of the few that thought Brexit was a good idea. The EU has been a dead zone for growth. Last year, the US grew more than twice as fast as the EU

All That Glitters: Why Gold Is Your Best Bet

If I asked you what gold is used for, you’d probably say jewellery, right? Well, you’d be half right. Gold has lots of other uses.

Why Are Central Banks Now Buying Gold?

Central bankers usually add gold to their reserves to diversify, and to provide a hedge against inflation. According to Bloomberg, central banks now hold about a fifth of the gold ever mined.

America’s Fake-Money Success Was an Accident

The American dollar is a success because we have a strong and stable system. But is it really? We go behind the myth, and what we find isn’t pretty.