Here’s the story of the next decade of our lives as global citizens. Likely intense competition between the US and China. Between disparate Western allies. And the largest manufacturing and population centre the world has ever seen.

The US cannot compete with China’s cost advantage. It will struggle to compete with the work ethic and united determination of China’s citizenry. And it could lose ground in technological breakthroughs. Breakthroughs that are not only fuelled by China’s corporate advancement, but by the entire muscle of a giant centrally planned state.

But America still has an advantage. While China has little immigration to speak of, there remains a queue of skilled people wanting to go to the US. 

There is much opportunity in America. As it continues to grow its population through migration. And seeks to attract the skilled and wealthy to compete economically against China’s flexing muscle.

Most areas of the US are starting to recover. The coming vaccine is burning off much of the previous coronavirus fear.

So now we are adding a new American construction business to our monitoring. To take advantage of a key part of the market recovery puzzle…

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