It’s funny the things that come back to you.

Preoccupying my mind now — and perhaps yours too — is when to buy the ‘bottom’ of this market. Every crisis has an opportunity. And if we look back to the lessons of 2008, here we are again.

As the markets were ramping up in the 2010s, I made a memorable visit to the Wingspan National Bird of Prey Centre. Recalling the hawks of my childhood in rural New Zealand.

A powerful image and sensation remains with me. A falcon swooping down on a rabbit lure. These raptors reach speeds of up to 320 km/h, creating a force that stuns or kills their prey on impact.

But what is most startling is their success rate.

Certain peregrine falcons have demonstrated a successful strike rate of between 73 to 93%.

Now, when we seek to buy value shares in a falling market, we’re looking to swoop in on them at or near their bottom.


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