Tag: US Federal Reserve

Total 104 Posts

The Fed Has the Shakes

Central banks have no economic magic. No financial panaceas. No money miracles. They can’t really make an economy run better.

How the Country Goes Broke…

Come the next crisis, our problems will intensify. Tax revenues will plummet. Deficits will grow to $2 trillion a year in 2019 or 2020.

What We Said to a Group of DC Elite

We have a bubble economy, not an economy on a solid footing of rising wages, productivity, sales, and profits. The boom we have enjoyed is largely fake.

Dow 10,000

Trump will do whatever he can to keep prices rising on Wall Street — by talking up the economy with his usual mixture of real bravura and counterfeit facts.

How the Feds Wasted $5 Trillion

Polls show Americans hold the military in the highest esteem. But for all the money and status, are Americans safer? And against what enemy?

Now the Trade War’s Fake, Too

The show went on! And, as we predicted, The Donald claimed victory…and stocks went up. Fake money. Fake interest rates. Fake employment. Fake boom.

Bargains on Offer as the Market Stumbles

Buying is back on the menu. In fact, investors haven’t been this giddy since the volatility shock in February earlier this year.

What Trump Will Say at the G20

The Fed’s big mistake following the 2008 crisis was holding interest rates down too low for too long. This discouraged saving and made debt more attractive.

This Happens, Buy Stocks

The combined value of the FAANG stocks — Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google — is down by about $1 trillion from its peak. Why?

Why Are Central Banks Now Buying Gold?

Central bankers usually add gold to their reserves to diversify, and to provide a hedge against inflation. According to Bloomberg, central banks now hold about a fifth of the gold ever mined.

Stagflation, Here We Come!

Stagflation is a concept that boggles the mind. It’s about high inflation, yet stagnant wages. What does it mean for the future of America?

How Will the Feds Get Out of This?

The US economy and the US government are both living on borrowed time. Blame it on tax cuts, rampant spending and rising inflation.

America’s Fake-Money Success Was an Accident

The American dollar is a success because we have a strong and stable system. But is it really? We go behind the myth, and what we find isn’t pretty.

Americans Will Welcome the Tech-Fuelled Police State

They promised us that the digital economy would keep us safe and make us more prosperous. But what if it’s just a new form of enslavement?

America’s Debt: A Recipe for Disaster

The stock market is more volatile than it’s ever been. Why? Well, it all comes down to America’s ferocious appetite for debt.