Tag: China Economy

Total 14 Posts

Coronavirus: Is It Causing Bitcoin to Soar?

Blink and you might just miss it. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have surged in value during the coronavirus outbreak.

Will China’s Flu Roll the Bull Market?

The global economy is defying the odds. Despite fears of a pandemic, people are still investing, and the markets are rallying.

Being Cheated Down Under

Is New Zealand being placed at a disadvantage because of our dependence on China? Here’s why we need to break free of unfair laws…

The Feds Add Liquidity to Sustain Economic Expansion

Are you hoping to retire on the new money coming from the Federal Reserve? Well, guess what. You are likely to be seriously disappointed.

The Average Man Is Worse off Today Than He Was in 1970

Today we turn back to our grim work…connecting the dots…trying to figure out what is really going on.

How ‘Megapolitics’ Destroy Wealth

In the ongoing trade war, the Chinese are unleashing their own dogs. They’re now threatening to stop buying food from the US altogether and even sell their US Treasuries.

Prepare for the Financial Volcanic Eruption

I’m in New Plymouth, on the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand (NZ). The bolthole search continues. You’ll find more on that below.

Investors Will Fight This Trend…And Lose

After a 38-year boom, the fundamentals have reversed. Day is night; night is day. From lower and lower interest rates, we see rising ones.

Trump Will Claim Victory

This is the big day. The music starts. The lights go on. And the curtain rises. Trump meets with China’s leader and decide the fate of the world economy.

How Big Tech Has Become Big Brother

We all use Facebook and Google for leisure and work. But is it really as harmless as it seems? They have trapped us in a web of surveillance and censorship.

Why Trump Won’t Start a Real Trade War

Donald Trump appears to be escalating the trade war against China. But what is the true cost of this? And how far will the Deep State allow this to go?

Was the White House Wrong About Everything?

The Trump administration previously said that its budget deficit would be $526 billion. Unfortunately we now know it will be twice that much — over $1 trillion.

Why We Defended Trump in London

Our patriotic glands were oozing as Trump stoked the outrage of the British people. But what was really happening behind the scenes?

Take Advantage of Opportunities Here and Overseas

Should you invest in India? This is was the topic at my desk last week. A colleague of mine thought it was a capital idea. And I thought, why not? Successful investing usually works everywhere. So why wouldn’t it work in India? This