Tag: Recession

Total 69 Posts

Uncle Sam Takes More Than Taxes From the Middle Class

The Trump tax cut was no real cut at all. The average person will save less than 2% on his tax bill. But his real cost of government went up — 10 times as fast.

So Much for the ‘Trump Boom’…

Both Republicans and Democrats now put their faith in stimulus. The Republicans aim to stimulate the economy with tax cuts. The Democrats look to bigger deficits.

The Real Threat Is in Washington

GDP is increasing at 2.5% per year. Federal debt is increasing twice as fast. No way is that going to have a happy ending.

A Message from the Future: Thanks a Lot…You Jerks

You ran up $22 trillion in debt by 2019. Who did you think was going to pay that? Not you. Donald Trump was already 72. And the average baby boomer was in his 60s, getting ready for retirement.

Conversations with a Ghost

You’ve got a debt of $22 trillion that you can’t possibly pay. I see you’re spending 38% of GDP, but you’re only collecting about 17% of GDP in taxes.

Is This Really the ‘Trade of the Century’?

From change comes opportunity. And one hedge fund says they’ve stumbled upon the ‘trade of the century’. But I’m going to show you something even better…

At Least in the Country, They Survive…

This week, we’ve been exploring the age-old question: Who pays unpayable debt? The borrower?The lender? Someone else?

Three Reasons Why America Can’t Get a Grip

Show us the politician who wins the White House by promising to cut the voters’ benefits, raise their taxes, and end military boondoggles all over the planet? He doesn’t exist.

Paul Volcker Can’t Save Us This Time…

Still no visible crack in the stock market. But the economy may be breaking down. First, there is growing recognition that the Obama/Trump recovery has been a flop.

All Aboard the DebtBall Express

And now, the runaway train gathers speed. The federal deficit was $587 billion in Obama’s last year. Mr. Trump’s budget increases it to $1 trillion.

Firebombs in Paris

Taxes, tariffs, regulations – they’re all ways to transfer wealth and power from the common man to the elite who control the government.

Capitalism Didn’t Fail America. We Failed Capitalism

Some say capitalism has failed America. More likely, America has failed capitalism. Capitalism needs capital. Real money, in other words. The feds gave it fake money.

An Oasis in a Desolate Wilderness…

No economic recovery ever exceeded 119 months. This one is already at month 116. The audience is getting restless. It’s time to wrap it up.

Debt Bomb About to Smash New Zealand

Interest rates are looking stable, but there’s another more sinister risk looming…It only takes one thing to go wrong and it can spiral out of control.

This Could be the Most Foretold Recession Ever

There are talks of a recession everywhere. Many are predicting one…Still, some don’t believe we could be heading towards a recession…