Tag: Global Economy

Total 49 Posts

Argentina’s Economic Lifejacket isn’t What it Seems

The Argentinean peso started diving in April. To stop the freefall, the central bank raised interest rates from 27% to 40%. Argentina now has the highest interest rates in the world.

The Turkish Meltdown Unpacked

As you’ve probably read in the papers, Turkey is in full-on meltdown. Many headlines point to a common conclusion — fear the global contagion from this event.

Donald Trump: Traitor?

Donald Trump spoke — or misspoke — about his feelings concerning the Russian bogeyman. Predictably enough, the Deep State is up in arms about it.

Take Advantage of Opportunities Here and Overseas

Should you invest in India? This is was the topic at my desk last week. A colleague of mine thought it was a capital idea. And I thought, why not? Successful investing usually works everywhere. So why wouldn’t it work in India? This