Global Opportunities Beyond the Radar

Millionaire Boom: The Meteoric Rise of Abundance


‘How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.’

—Robert G. Allen


Talk to your neighbour. Talk to your accountant. Talk to your pastor.

It’s obvious that we live in unsettled times.

So, what are we most concerned about?

Well, here are the burning issues at the moment:

Yes, it feels like a lot to digest, doesn’t it?

But is this emotional upheaval actually new? Or it this simply a case of déjà vu? Have we been here before?



What does the big picture of wealth look like?


Source: Visual Capitalist


The news keeps saying that our wealth gap is getting larger. But what if I told you something contrarian? What if I told you that our wealth gap is actually getting smaller? What if our collective prosperity is actually accelerating?

Thomas Piketty, who wrote the book Capital in the Twenty-First Century, explains why this is happening:


Source: Visual Capitalist


The compounding nature of capital, as well as successive waves of innovation, has been extraordinary. Here are some facts from A Wealth of Common Sense:

Of course, progress isn’t sexy. It doesn’t grab headlines. It doesn’t generate clicks. But, still, you can’t deny the steady march of progress:

What is most striking for me is the democratisation of wealth:


Source: Amazon


So, what exactly does a self-made millionaire look like? Well, one of the best books on the subject is The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthypublished by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko. They explain some key facts:



It’s time to think differently


Self-made millionaires tend to be resilient:

At Wealth Morning, we run what may be the only active night-trading desk in New Zealand for our Eligible and Wholesale Clients:



John Ling

Analyst, Wealth Morning

(This article is general in nature and should not be construed as any financial or investment advice. To obtain guidance for your specific situation, please seek independent financial advice.)

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