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How to Add Value to Your Apartment by Sharpening Up Your Security


Your home is your castle, and you should do everything in your power to protect it. This means making sure that your security measures are up to date. Whether you’re living in a house or an apartment, there are specific steps you can take to make yourself less of a target for crime. This blog post will discuss some simple ways to improve your security and make your apartment more valuable!


Install Deadbolts On All Your Doors


One of the best ways to sharpen up your security and add value to your apartment is by installing deadbolts on all your doors. Deadbolts are one of the most effective ways to deter burglars, and they can give you peace of mind knowing that your home is more secure. You can find deadbolts at most hardware stores, which are relatively easy to install. If you’re uncomfortable installing them yourself, you can hire a handyman or locksmith to do it for you. Either way, adding deadbolts to your doors is a great way to improve your security and add value to your home.


Make Sure Your Doors Are Solid Wood or Metal


Another way to add value to your apartment by sharpening up your security is to ensure that your doors are solid wood or metal. Hollow core doors are much easier for burglars to kick in, so you must have solid doors that will deter them from trying to break into your home. You can usually find solid wood or metal doors at hardware stores, which typically cost more than hollow core doors. However, the extra money is worth it for the added security and value that solid doors provide.



Install a Home Security System


If you want to add value to your apartment by sharpening your security, you should consider installing a home security system. A home security system will not only make your apartment more secure, but it can also help to deter criminals from targeting your home in the first place. However, several different home security systems are on the market, so you will need to research to find one that is right for you.

Make sure that your home security system includes an intercom for an apartment. An intercom system will allow you to communicate with visitors without opening your door. This can be a great way to screen visitors and ensure they do not threaten your security.


Outdoor Lighting


Security starts at the perimeter of your property. If there is little to no lighting, it creates a perfect environment for criminals to operate without being seen. Installing some simple and relatively inexpensive outdoor lighting makes your apartment much less attractive to would-be burglars—position lights near all entrances and exits and any dark corners or alleys. Motion-activated lights are ideal, as they will startle intruders and make it easier for witnesses to see what is happening.

If you live in an apartment, you can do plenty of things to improve your security and make your home more valuable. By following the tips above, you can make a big difference in deterring crime and making your apartment a safer place to live.


(Disclaimer: This content is a partnered post. This material is provided as news and general information. It should not be construed as an endorsement of any investment service. The opinions expressed are the personal views and experience of the author, and no recommendation is made.)

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