Global Opportunities Beyond the Radar

Inflation Beaters: Investment Opportunities for a Changed World


Quantum Wealth Summary




I hate injustice. I hate unfairness.

But the Covid pandemic has exacerbated both.

As with any economic crunch, some groups are more affected than others.

During the Global Financial Crisis, recent homebuyers were hurt. Short-run sharemarket investors were upset. But for those able to hold through that crisis, both saw recovery.

This time is different.

I see these groups dealt — or about to be dealt — an excessive blow:

Meanwhile, other groups have been handed an incredible opportunity to profit. And cement their position:


Amazon stock has grown around 50% since the pandemic and revenue has increased.

Source: Ordermentum


One thing is clear. Covid-19 has had a massive state response. All over the world.

The financial response — following ‘lessons’ from the GFC — has been to shore up money supplies, slash interest rates, and provide mass stimulus.

This has occurred simultaneous to a supply crunch in various key industries such as construction, shipping, and microchip manufacture.

No financial genius is needed to see the inevitable outcome.

When you increase the money supply and provide cheques to millions, while tightening regulation and experiencing supply shocks, you end up facing that old thief: inflation.

Everyone experiences inflation differently.

Most will lose. Some will gain.

Today, I want to take a long, hard look at the possibilities for investors to protect their wealth. And potentially gain… 


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